FINAL RESOLUTION of the participants of the Second Forum of Democratic Forces of Belarus

We, the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, are representatives of the people of Belarus, speaking on behalf of various political forces, public associations, initiatives, experts, scientific and business communities, and Belarusian diasporas:

Based on the final resolution of the First Forum of Democratic Forces of Belarus, according to which the participants expressed a consolidated opinion that:

- the Republic of Belarus has been an occupied state since February 20, 2022;

- the criminal and inhuman actions of Lukashenko's regime aimed at suppressing democratic rights and freedoms in the Republic of Belarus, bringing terror and genocide to Belarusian citizens and excluding the possibility of a change of power through democratic elections

- there is a need to put aside all disagreements among members of independent and democratic societies of Belarusian opposition and reorient towards unifying goals - an overthrow of Lukashenko's regime by the citizens of Belarus and the de-occupation of the country;

Based on the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights preamble, adopted by Resolution 217A (III) of the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948, the people, as a last resort, have the right to rebellion against tyranny and oppression.

The participants of the Second Forum of Democratic Forces of Belarus decided to:

1) take responsibility for uniting and coordinating the efforts of representatives of various organizations, institutions, diasporas, and initiatives, as well as other forms of civil societies in Belarus, to overthrow the Lukashenko's regime, release all political prisoners, and hold democratic elections in the Republic of Belarus;

2) form the National Council of the United Democratic Forces of Belarus, according to the annex to the Final Resolution No. 1, of a permanent coordinating authority of the Forum;

3) apply to all other opposition organizations and initiatives, not represented at the Forum, with a proposal to delegate their representatives to the National Council of the United Democratic Forces of Belarus;

4) create a national liberation movement in Belarus and consolidate the efforts of various initiatives in order to develop a common strategy to combat the Lukashenko’s regime;

5) instruct the National Council of the United Democratic Forces of Belarus to prepare a strategy and action plan for the Movement, which will be submitted for approval at the Third Forum of the Democratic Forces of Belarus.

This Resolution has been sent to the leaders of the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, NATO and the governments of the UN member states.

Annex 1.

National Council of United Democratic Forces

(temporary composition until adoption of the Regulations on the National Council of United Democratic Forces during the Third Forum of Democratic Forces of Belarus).

  1. Dmitry Bolkunets
  2. Evgeny Vilsky
  3. Valeria Volodina
  4. Olga Karach
  5. Anatoly Kotov
  6. Anton Malkin
  7. Aleksey Frantskevich
  8. Ruslan Khazin
  9. Vera Horton
  10. Veronika Tsepkalo
  11. Lyubov Shibarshina
  12. Vitaly Dyadyuk